1) Educate yourself. Learning is a pleasure, a gift, and a responsibility. Your mind is a great treasure - use it, honor it, and stretch it by expanding your thinking through books, music, the arts, and continuous education.
2) Follow your passions. Because there is only one of you on the planet at this time, your life is truly a "present" for which we are all grateful. Find out your purpose and fulfill it. Follow where your heart leads you, and trust that you will find a way to turn your most innermost dreams into a reality.
3) Raise your consciousness. Much of the pain and suffering in our world relies on us believing that other people are "separate" or "wrong" or "bad" or "less than." We are all connected, we are each human beings and we are each sparks of divine Creation. You are what you are, and others are who they are. We all are able to co-exist. Make a positive difference by practicing empathy, compassion, and understanding.
4) Find a mentor. Our role models have so much to teach us. People like Mother Teresa, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., and Gandhi all demonstrated true acceptance, equality, and recognition of our equal nature. These teachers created a path: you may not need to follow in their footsteps, but you definitely may learn from their examples.
5) Volunteer for a cause or community. Doing pro bono work and offering your time, talent, and treasure helps you contribute to your community and "step outside" of your own reality for a while. Give back.
6) Maintain your finances. Understand your cash flow and understand that money is a version of energy - keep a positive relationship with its growth and movement in your own life, and track it as an indicator of your participation with the Universe.
7) Learn computer skills. Learn how to code, present information, share ideas, and collaborate remotely - your computer skills are a necessity to help you navigate the 21st century.
8) Know your values. Keep your list of values in your wallet, on your wall, and by your nightstand. Strive daily to embody your values. Your life is your message.
9) Cultivate friendships. Your companions are those with whom you eat bread - through these deep friendships you sustain and support, and are sustained and supported, on your shared life journey. Take time and sit with your friends - joy, sorrow, pain, and happiness are made more bearable with dear ones nearby.
10) Take care of your body. Nourish yourself as well as you are able, and consume in moderation. Your body as it is right now signifies how your innermost spirit is currently interacting with your environment. Be kind to yourself.
11) Sleep. Rest, relaxation, and deep sleep restore your mind, spirit, and body. Good sleep gives you much of the energy you need every day.
12) Care for living things. Take care of houseplants, an herb garden, or animal companions. You'll learn respect, patience, and tenacity.
13) Share your love daily. Relationships thrive on constant renewal. Turn every new day into a new opportunity to honor the Oneness that exists through all of us. Love and be loved. We are all connected.
14) Focus your attention. Whatever, or whomever, or whichever you pay attention to will become your reality. Choose wisely.
15) Share your talents. Learn a language, play a musical instrument, join a team, or get on stage. Peace begins with understanding, and sharing our abilities helps us remember our connections to one another.
16) Dance, play, sing. Do a little jig, stretch your arms to the sky, wiggle, roll on the ground, and lift up your voice. Most living things move, sway, and stretch constantly: you too are precious and alive - show it!
17) Respect others and yourself. Strive to treat yourself the same way you treat others: you are fair to others, you are kind to others, you are thoughtful of others’ needs: do the same for yourself.
18) Talk with your family. Your first relationship with the outside world began with those who raised you. Revisit your relationships with your caregivers from your family of origin. Next, consider those in your family today. Recognize and understand patterns, take what is worth using, and let unnecessary habits fall gently away.
19) Practice compassion. Compassion means reaching out and creating a bridge between you and another person.
20) Share. Your life touches other lives in amazing ways. Share your knowledge, share your skills, share your home, share your experiences, share your abilities, share that which inspires you and gives you hope.
21) Believe. The evidence we perceive is one element of the story, and our faith fills in the rest, including the parts about love, courage, honor, respect, tolerance -- and all the other parts we cannot see, nor hear, nor touch, but which we may believe.
22) Make a difference. Measuring your impact is an excellent way to know that you're doing something right. Start by making a positive difference for one person, today.
23) Go outside. The sunshine, wind, moon, stars, rain, and snow do wonders for your complexion and your outlook. Enjoy the great dome of the sky and appreciate all of nature's wonder.
24) Take care of your heart. Know that your heart requires both emotional and physical health - by being kind to yourself, and giving yourself nutritious options, your heart will remain true to you as long as you live.
25) Meditate. A daily dose of meditation gives you clarity, peace, and power. Consider holding twenty minutes each day to quiet your mind, strengthen your spirit, and hone your vision.
26) Dream big. A big dream scares you and inspires you. Use your big dreams as a guide to where you want to grow, develop, and expand your capacity.
27) Seek wholeness. Your holiness means being whole. Integrate and weave together all your different, marvelous, unique properties. Gather each of your parts into a grand unified Theory of You that maintains complexity, yet is ultimately a simple expression of the whole of who you are, right now.
28) Be at peace. Peace be upon you, with you, under you, over you, and throughout you. Walk in peace, be guided by peace, and work daily to reach that place of deep and abiding peace, inside and out.